Authorization / Cancellation
request - signature page

  1. Have the bussiness owner / corporate director or legal repersentative sign and date this page
  2. Retain a copy of the signed and dated signature page in your files for six years from the date that this information is transmitted to CRA. DO not send us the signature page by mail or fax unless requested to do so.

Your service location:


Representative information

Representative identifier:



Business information


Owner information


Authorization information

Level of authorization:


Expiry date:



Signature information

Legal signature indicator:

Name of the taxpayer or legal representative:

By signing and dating this page, you authorize Canada Revenue Agency to interact with and/or cancel the representative(s) mentioned above.



signature then click submit below

Beside us, you will receive this Tax Authorization Form in the email provided.

This will allow us access to your CRA record as required for preparation of your tax returns by Toronto Taxtronix Systems Ltd.

Once we will receive it, we will contact you immediately and advice you about next steps for your tax return completion.

Thank you!